Close Loss to Redwood for Girls Varsity Soccer

Saturday, February 3, the Varsity Women welcomed the Redwood High Giants to our home pitch. We knew this would be a close match given this Larkspur team’s record of 12 wins so far this season. The first half opened with great teamwork by the Dons, Edie Berzansky and Tori Hiatt holding the defensive line, while Megan Yee, Reese Tierney, and Leila Hamidi worked the ball from the midfield. Alex Salazar passed to Lucca DeBiasse who sent a header dangerously close to the net. Nicole Nguyen followed with a strategic corner kick headed by Taylor Mikalis, almost there, but no score. Hiatt launched the ball from backfield to DeBiasse who made another attempt on goal. Nguyen, Salazar, and DeBiasse kept up the offensive effort with Tatum Keely repeatedly intercepting the ball and sending it back up to her midfielders. Keeper Sara Tarnai had multiple saves when the Giants managed to get past Hiatt, Keely, and Berzansky. DeBiasse sent a corner kick to Salazar who shot the ball just over the crossbar. Shannon Crane came in and immediately stole the ball from a Giant, passing to Megan who sent the ball upfield to Mikalis but met Redwood resistance. Tierney, Keely, Berzansky, and Hiatt broke up several runs on goal and Tarnai had 2 more saves before the end of the half, score 0 – 0.

Early on in the second half DeBiasse sent a beautiful free kick but the Giants quickly turned the ball back downfield. Tierney kept up the midfield pressure, backed up by Berzansky and Hiatt, and another save by Tarnai, before Nguyen sent the ball to Tierney who launched a close shot on goal from midfield. Livi Foster fought a Giant for the ball, passed to Nguyen who set up Mikalis for another attempt on goal. Keely held the line with a header and then launched the ball downfield, more midfield pressure by DeBiasse and Tierney, another save by Tarnai, and then a beautiful shot on goal by Ella Thomason! Salazar sent in a perfect through-ball to Foster who was able to drive downfield towards the goal, narrowly missing the net after taking a low shot to the corner. Sisi Houston came in fighting, getting up close and personal with multiple Giants in the midfield, Keely blocked another Redwood run on goal, Nguyen stole the ball and passed to Thomason who took another close shot towards the net. Hiatt charged a Giant head on, stealing the ball with an “all ball no call” tackle. Houston and Tierney remained tenacious in the midfield, and Salazar blocked another Redwood shot on goal. With under 5 minutes left in the game, the Giants took a corner kick initially defended by the Dons, but ultimately headed back into the net, scoring a goal for Redwood. Acalanes continued their fight towards the goal with another midfield shot by Tierney, another free kick by DeBiasse, and Foster sending a great ball to DeBiasse with another attempt on goal. Unfortunately the second half closed with no score from the Dons, Redwood 1, Acalanes nil.