Acalanes Mens JV Water Polo went into the brutal game Thursday knowing the odds would not be in their favor against the 44 deep Miramonte Water Polo lineup (Acalanes has just 12 JV players this year, 8 of whom are Freshmen without prior playing experience)
And as expected, the Dons lost. But what Miramonte did NOT expect was the fierce resistance of this young team as they refused to go down without a fight.
Reminiscent of the Battle of Thermopylae where legend says just 300 Spartans held off between 100,000-300,000 Persian warriors for three days, the JV Men battled with determination. The first period ended 11-2 Miramonte, but in the next 3 periods combined Miramonte was only able to score 5 more times for a final score of 16-6 against the resistance of our JV Dons. One by one Dons players were Excluded from the game as they used every tactic at their disposal to stand against the Matador onslaught including fierce efforts by Cyrus Tabatabai-Ghahyaz & Tyler Gerhardt while Owen Hulst, Hans Ramirez, and Mateo Picard all received Ejections for their resistance. Team co-captain Sam Whipple managed to remain calm and collected throughout as the only player with 2 Goals and zero Exclusions.
We may have lost this battle, but with these kinds of warrior Dons refusing to go down without a fight, there is no question eventually we will win the war!