ACA Tourney Wrap & Campo Season opener!

What a great day of Women’s volleyball at the first ever Acalanes Invitational Tournament! Acalanes hosted 12 schools from around the Bay Area to come and play in both gyms right here on campus. Great organization and great competition all around. So many chipped in to help make it happen – a very special thanks to Vanessa Terry for carrying so much of the burden. 


Our girls stood tall and fought hard with strong play from all members of the team. Some especially great moments that stood out were from Christina Hageboeck, Addy Treter, and Kylah Rose Fox.  


Emme Seelenbacher, Annie Baker, Sophia Terry and Sydney Scovic put up a WALL at the net and smashed balls right and left!  Huge smashes and light touches from Addi Ames and Piper Coy. One fisted digs, and long streaks of powerful serves from Stella Larkin, Rena Liu and MaeLin Mason kept us in every fight. 


Though our tournament play was cut shorter than we’d have liked, the girls were excellent hosts and the Dons showed up!


Speaking of…




The Yankee’s and the Red Sox.  Cal v. Stanford. The Niners v. Seattle.  Great rivalries make for amazing stories and amazing memories.  In college sports and in professional sports…but there is NOTHING like a high school rivalry to make memories.  High school sports are about many things, but foremost among them: pride, spirit, and joy.  Pride in your school and community, spirit in the faith you have in your team and their commitment to putting their very best on the court and the joy of knowing it’s all for bragging rights.


This Thursday September 19th is our Don’s Women’s Volleyball opener and it’s against our rival next door, Campolindo.  You know the place.  This matchup is on our turf, it’s in our gym and our girls are freakin’ HYPED to host this first game and go for the W to kick off what is sure to be one of the most exciting seasons in recent memory.  Stacked with talent, the Don’s girls across Frosh, JV and Varsity are in a groove after a very solid pre-season.


These girls are poised to take all 3 matches from the Cougars! Now, they’d be steely-eyed, locked and loaded to play THEIR game if only 6 people were in the stands…but Acalanes doesn’t roll that way!  We get behind our teams and we show our pride and spirit and we support the tremendous amount of effort each and every one of these players has put into making these teams truly competitive.


So listen, come out.  Show up and support the athletes! Show Campo who we are!  Wear your ACA BLUE, bring your stadium chair! And for crying out loud do your vocal exercises between now and Thursday because we don’t just need to SEE you in the stands…we need to HEAR you in the stands!  See you there Thursday night!