Girls Varsity Volleyball Shuts Out Archie Williams 3-0 in Final Pre-Season Contest

What a week it was last week where our girls were on the road twice for 3 contests. After a strong showing at the Campo jamboree, the girls dropped a home game before taking a W at Moreau Catholic.  Tonight we’re in Marin at Archie Williams and even though it’s 112 degrees in the gym on a Friday night away – the Dons roll deep and Acalanes is bringing a little 925 attitude to the north bay. Let’s get it on!

Game 1. 

Opening up on defense and the Falcons strike first blood but only for a second as a set, smash from Emme Sellenbacher to Addi Ames got us the ball back. 

In a showcase of artistry, and a combination we’re getting used to seeing, Emme set to Sophia Terry for a SMASH!  Bringing the ball back to us and in the hands of Piper Coy to serve at 4-4. ACE! 5-4 but the Falcons took it back for a point but Addi was having none of that and CRUSHED a kill to give the serve back to the Dons and in the hands of Stella Larkin for an ACE! Solid serving, aggressive offense and a killer one hand dig by Rena Liu and at the end of Stella’s serve it’s 9-6 Dons.

A sweet, soft touch by Sydney Scovic puts the ball back in our hands and it’s 11-7 with Addi serving. 

Addi Ames



And just like that, it’s 13-7 Dons. 

Emme set to Sofia- kill! 15-9 Dons. Rena with a rocket arm serve takes another point from the Falcons with authority and forces a T- OhOhOhOH-OH!! 

Rena Liu

16-9 Dons. 

Rena takes two more from the Falcons and Emme has a killer stop at the net, but the Falcons take it back at 18-10 Dons. 

Stunning defense from Stella and Rena and an awesome Piper to Emme to Sophia combo deal and the rock is with Stella 20-11 Dons

With ICE in her veins, Stella puts on a clinic:


Floater – ACE!! 

Falcon TO!!!  But it’s not enough and game 1 goes to the Dons!!

Stella Larkin

Game 2. 

Game two opened up with the Falcons showing some different looks on the court and they quickly began to frustrate our girls with some serious defense at the net. Despite solid offense and strong defense by our Don’s, a few miscues and some solid offense by the Falcons, our Don’s found themselves quickly behind 1-6 and coach Haley took a TO so the girls could take a breath. 

The Dons rally behind Sydney Scovics serve and a crushing smash by Emme Seelenbacher and it’s 4-6 Falcons and the Don’ start a rally…

5-7 Falcons.

Massive DIG by Addi Ames and a set by Rena right back to to Addi for the kill!!  




But the Falcons put a few plays together and started to pull away until they buried it in the net at 10-13 Falcons.  

A few Don’s stumbles and some solid offense by the Falcons and the Don’s found themselves in a hole at 10-16 Falcons when Coach Haley took a time out to re-group.  And it worked!

Opening up on Defense and we take it right back. Addi to serve and fires a MONSTER serve for the Addi Ames Ace –  AAA! A massive rejection at the net by Sydney Scovic and Annie Baker and it’s 13-16. And we get one more before giving it back. 

Annie and Sydney hold firm!

14-17 falcons. We’re inching our way back in and this is a good one!

At 18-22 Stella Larkin takes the serve. Point! ACE! And we bring it to within 3 before giving the ball back: 23-20 Falcons. 

Emme to Scovic for the kill!! 



Addi serve. ACE! 23-24 Falcons. And one hits the ceiling and it’s tied!!!

24-24. Whoa!! We’re going bonkers here in the stands as Emme sets up Annie  for the KILL and suddenly it’s 25-24 Dons!  And the Falcons are forced to call a TO!!

These girls do not quit!!


26-25 Dons! 


And the Falcons serve it out!  

27-26 Dons- Rena serves into a Rally for the game.  Back and forth it goes and Annie Baker SMASHES the KILL at the net for a decisive Don’s come back win!

Game 3. 

Great opening point with multiple touches by Piper, Sophia, Stella, Emme and a satisfying Emme set to Scovic for the kill and the Dons take first blood. 

Piper Coy

The Falcons rallied on their side to even it out as the teams went back and forth again. But Scovic took the serve and we piled up a few more. 

4-2 Dons. 

Emme to Sophia for the kill – they make it look so easy!!  Piper serving with a 6-3 Dons lead. Great dig by Rena, super kill by Piper and we forced a TO. 

8-3 Dons. 

One hander (PSYCH!) over the net by Emme sets up a Stella Larkin serve and it’s 10-5 Dons. 

After the Falcons give it right back to us, Emme Seelenbacher is serving with an ACE, support from Annie and Sydney  and the Don’s tear it up before giving it back at  15-6 Dons. 

Emme Seenlenbacher

WHOA! A fantastic one handed save by Stella and it’s 16-8 Dons. 

Rena serves up an ACE! And it’s 19-11 Dons the pace and rhythm of Game 3 solidly in the Don’s hands, as Piper serves a rocket, returned by the Falcons but Emme fed Annie and Sydney and boy did they EAT!  At 21-13 the Don’s were in command of the pace of the game.

Falcons get it back for their last gasp at a come back, but it’s 23-16 and the Dons had other plans as they shut out the Falcons in this pre-season contest. 

These girls are impressive and we can’t wait for the season to start!!!