Boys Water Polo Takes a Tumble Against Miramonte Matadors

October 9, 2024: Acalanes welcomed the fierce Miramonte Matadors with open arms.

Fueled by a mix of excitement and a dash of doom, our Dons gorged themselves at their legendary pasta party the night before. Shoutout to the fabulous Mariah Bradford-Urban for hosting a carb-tastic feast where the varsity and JV squads bonded over breadsticks and blondies galore!

Despite their hearty pasta prep, the Dons faced a tough battle, ultimately bowing to the Matadors with a score of 20 to 4—an epic, if humbling, showdown. Big cheers to seniors Justin Rosenblatt, freshman Alex Lavoire, and Peter Endemann for scoring some sweet goals, along with Juniors Mason Schlehr and sophomore Will Miller for racking up assists and steals like pros. The boys are pumped to keep building their game and can’t wait for a rematch next year!

Freshman Owen Andre races for the ball.
Freshman Alex Lavoire sinks one deep in the net.
Freshman Adrian Anderson looks for an open teammate.
Sophomore Will Miller faces off against the opponent.
Junior Thomas Parrott winds up for a shot on goal.
Junior Mason Schlehr on the defense.
Dons form a defensive wall, freshman Charlie Holmes (cap 4) prepares to press.
Senior Rocco Fraioli contends to maintain control of the ball.
Senior Justin Rosenblatt fends on 2 opposing defenders.
Freshman Peter Endemann scores.