Fall Sports Night (parents) is Thursday night (August 10) in the PAC (theater). Starting at 6pm Acalanes Boosters will be in the PAC lobby selling Dons Spirit Wear. All money supports all 28 sports at Acalanes-now that is DONtastic!

At 6pm Come Shop! Everything from puffer jackets to t-shirts and 5 different styles of hats. Sports Booster offering some limited-edition items: ‘Go Dons’ hat, Dons Legacy shirt (1940) and a new ACA-sling bag (items will sell out). Plus, other ACAstuff: booster chairs, magnets, pom-poms, foam fingers, sweatshirts, flags and more! Booster Shop is open from 6pm to 7pm in the PAC Lobby. Fall Sports Meeting for Parents starts at 7pm.
If you purchased a Booster Membership-thank you for supporting the DONS! Your membership cards (for all football, basketball and volleyball home season games) and swag can be picked up at DONS DAY at the Acalanes Sports Booster Table.