Chehelaoui Dives into a New School Year

Grace Chehelaoui is diving into her senior year. Grace loves Acalanes from friends to Homecoming week to classes like Math and AP Language/Composition. When Grace is not enjoying the halls, classrooms and activities of Acalanes, she is in a pool. Diving is one of the most exciting sports in the world. Diving takes jumping, springing with amazing body control, usually from 10m platform, hitting the water at 30 mph and within 3 seconds. Grace is one of the few drivers in the Lamorinda area. Grace competes with strength, flexibility and courage. This summer Grace has had a busy summer diving around the country from University of Texas at Austin to West Virginia and in the AAU Nationals.

Grace started diving around 2020. She took a little break but is back now and she is loving it. Diving is important to Grace, “because I get to do something I enjoy while also being surrounded in a loving community. There are about 15 high school divers at my club. We all train together but I know there are some high school divers at other clubs as well.” Grace trains and workouts daily for at least two hours. But that does not stop there. Grace and her teammates then go to a local pool with diving boards for about 2 hours as well followed by more training with lifting weights, exercising, and diving.  Grace is not sure if she will dive in college, too early to tell.

In a few weeks, Grace will be diving into her final year as a Don. I am proud to be a Don because we all support each other, and we have such a great community. No matter what we will always be there for each other. I am so proud to call myself an Acalanes Don!