Boys Basketball Lends a Helping Hand


The great lessons of a team sport like basketball go far beyond what happens between the lines and
the final score of a game. It is about coming together as a team, working together for a purpose,
and making a positive impact on the student body and the broader community.

With the leadership from coaches, guidance of parents, and of course the effort of our players, the
Don’s basketball team came together on Saturday, September 17 th , to help a family in need of
assistance through a program called Grateful Gatherings. Grateful Gatherings mission is to provide
all the furnishings for a home where the family is transitioning from homelessness or from a crisis.

The team was able to help a single mom with five children transition to their new home in Oakland.
The boys worked diligently collecting all furnishings, loading them in the truck, unloading and
arranging everything on the property for the family to get started in their new home. Through
giving, our boys were able to get something back – a sense of helping those in our community less
fortunate than ourselves. It was a small step, but a meaningful step, in helping a young family in a
time of need.

It was a great day to be a Don!