Boys Frosh/Soph Volleyball Show Up!

While only a scrimmage, the Dons showed up ready to play against the Campo Cougars.  Game 1 saw Ben Whiting & Nick Pires start the team off with stellar serves while Noah Kinsey and Jack Warden chased down balls in the back court for some solid passes.  As always, the Dons stayed aggressive at the net with some sweet dishes by Robby L.C./ Trey Havener and a heads up outside poke over the net for a point by Isaac Paul.  The Dons came in for the kill in Game 2 with a “bussin” back row bash by Monty Gumabay and an outside kill by Joey Mighetto.  Arguably, the game highlight was Sean Lin’s ability to turn a shanked pass into a beautiful set to Joey Mighetto who again, went in for the kill.  Keep it comin’ Dons!