Girls Basketball Go From #1 to Number #16-Huh?!

Acalanes Girls Basketball ranked #1 as champions of the Diablo League and recently #1 NCS-D2 champions, which are big accomplishments! However, on Sunday the Dons were informed they will be bumped up to the D-1 level for the CIF State Championship playoffs. This is a big honor, because this identifies Acalanes as a ‘BIG DEAL’ on the court. Moving up to D-1, places Acalanes as #16 in this division. If Dons remained D2, they could have gone very, very far and had a big chance of taking CIF State Champions in the D2 level.

Top athletes mentally prepare for some unexpected events, thus, training their minds to cope with distractions and adapt to circumstances. These elite Don athletes understand the need for training their focus, so they are mentally prepared this honor to be at the D1 level. It doesn’t matter who they play, they will stay in their “athletic cocoon” where they are fully immersed in what they are doing in the moment. It is this type of focus that produces optimal performance, and this is how the Dons will play on Tuesday night against Salesian College Prep at 6pm in Richmond.

Link to CIF-D1 playoff brackets:

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