This years Fund-A-Need is centered around continuing and improving our Strength and Conditioning program. Strength and conditioning is critical for the safety and performance of all our athletes. We rolled out the program in 2018/19 and it was well received by many teams/athletes. The main feedback was that more hours of S&C coaching is needed. The goal for this year is to raise $22.5k. The majority of this will go towards paying for more S&C coach hours. The remainder will go towards new equipment in the weight room. We are partnering with Acalanes Football to help fund it. Our current weight room is not up to par with that of other schools in our district. It is in desperate need of updating so we can remain competitive. Improvements will help all athletes of all sports, including students with disabilities, allowing us to accommodate more athletes in the current space with better equipment and a better layout. You will have an opportunity to help fund these great initiatives, that will benefit all Acalanes athletes, at the upcoming Blue-ster Bash during our Fund-A-Need segment of the live auction.