First Home Game is a 28-13 W over Dublin for Freshmen Football

Acalanes vs. Dublin Aug 5th

What a difference a week makes! Not sure if it was just those good “first home game vibes” or the Varsity Tunnel or perhaps a great week of game prep, but some good football was played. For the four people that read my column last week, I did note that we had many near misses that with some seasoning would turn into nice gains. Did not know I would be correct so quickly! Love it when that happens.


Team captains Sean Tandler (55), Colton Whalen-Schlosser (9) and Nick Zogorov (5) lead the Dons for our home match up vs. Dublin High School. All three had standout games, with Whalen-Schlosser (9) having a great performance in the QB spot.


Lots of highlights to run through in this game, but let’s start with our lights out offense. It starts with the line, great protection and blocking. Whalen-Schlosser (9) hit five different targets. Treysen Roberts (11) had three receptions including a touchdown. He also showed up on D, with a score saving tackle on the first drive of the game. 


Whalen-Schlosser (9) also connected with Nick Zogorav (5) (one for a TD) and Finn Aiken (15). Marco Long (19) had a stand out game with one reception, four carriers, one for a TD. Landon Page (34) had a strong showing with a 20 yard reception, 15 yard kick return, great defense including what this author would call potential “game saving” pass coverage, and let’s not forget he had an interception at the end of the first half.


Other standouts on offense include Joaquin Bordi (22) with eight carries, Miles Moore (25) with seven with two touchdowns, Dax Vail (42) with six carries. Whalen-Schlosser (9) held the ball for three nice carries, Gino Rubio (27) also had a meaningful run. 


Also wanted to note some crowd pleasing moves. Big man Graham Welton (78) had an impressive blocked kick. Kyle Sanftner (67) brought down a two point conversion after the ball was “triple tipped” in the end zone. Always fun for an o-lineman to get a little scoring glory!


Don’s defense also showed up. Sacks for: Mason Andersen (21), Cade Korpita (35) and Sean Tandler (55).  Great tackling by: Maxim Volpian (1), Treysen Roberts (11), Grant Matter (16), Dylan Icay (18), Mason Andersen (21), Joaquin Bordi (22), William Mracheck (29), Dax Vail (42), Brayden Hattersley (44), Sean Tandler (55), Matei Costin Bolata (50), Kyle Sanftner (67), Joe Wilson (68), Graham Welton (78), Will Siamas (80), Pedro Sakaguti (83) and Brennan Visnick (89), all recording at least one tackle. 


I am going to wrap this re-cap with my favorite drive of the game. It was an offensive grind, with a Baltimore Ravens vibe. The line (Grady Branagh (76), Welton (78), Tandler (55), Wilson (68), Bolata (50)), worked as a unit and pushed to create lanes for multiple runs of 3, 4, 5 yards. Ball carriers were Joaquin Bordi (22), Mile Moore (25) and Dax Vail (42), they grinded for every yard. But the offensive coordinator, knowing we love the west coast offense, concluded the drive with pass perfection, Whalen-Schlosser (9) to Nick Zagorov (5) for a touchdown (see photo below). Flawless drive. Well done.


Final score: Dons 28, Dublin 13.


TD for Nick Zagorov!