Football is the ultimate team sport. To win, you need all the parts and pieces to work together. A great running back will only get you so far down the line. Receivers will need to think smart, fast and willing to put those points on the scoreboard, but hey…it’s not that easy. Without an offensive line working in the trenches working hard to protect their teammates, the team’s success will be limited. Oh and Defense! Gotta love those guys! A good defense provides a good field position, which allows the offense to start their drive-to-goal in a better position, thus allowing an easier time scoring. Additionally, good defense forces turnovers on the opponents, and turnovers’ impact on football scores cannot be overestimated…oh! And everyone loves a ‘quarterback sack’! It’s teamwork at its best! Every player must be working toward a common goal, each doing their part to the best of their ability.
The biggest benefit of playing freshman football is the friendships made in the summer before school even starts. Your teammates cement friendships that will make that first day of walking on campus even better than it would be otherwise. All incoming freshmen are nervous and unsure of themselves, but Frosh football kids have 150+ of their Varsity and JV brothers/friends walking onto campus with them. The Frosh2026 team looks up to their big football brothers and are grateful for a DONtastic summer with all the coaches, players and teams. Ready, Set…TOGETHER WE GO!
Here are a few summer quotes about how the Freshmen look up to their Varsity brothers:
Rising senior Ellis Burger inspires me to be a leader for my team. When I watched him play in Tahoe, I could see he doesn’t care about individual stats or success and his only concern is winning as a team.
– Cody Mitchlitsch
Tyler Murphy because I would really like to be more like him when I’m on varsity and also because he’s a great leader.
-Nery Lopez
Miller Smith because he is such good friends with his varsity teammates and, at the same time, is a leader.
– Jack Cooney
I can’t pick just one, I find different inspirations from each of them, but especially the ones that throw players on the ground. (Fear the Blue!)
-Adam Ceicedo
I am inspired by Paul Kuhner because of his incredible speed.
– Christopher Copeland
Trevor Rogers! He is one of the more consistent players. He hardly messes up. He tries the hardest to beat his defender and his catching ability is stellar.
– Finlay Geddes
Murph because he’s very dominant.
-Kyler Roberts
The player that inspires me is Miller Smith because even though he is not the biggest guy for the job he still works hard as an offensive lineman. He has a great attitude.
– Tommy ‘Tito’ Terhar
The Varsity Team inspires me because that treat everyone one like family. Like one of their own. I just love how I can feel their compassion towards all of the players.
-Mason Briones
The senior that has most inspired me is Tyler Worthington because he always goes out of his way to say hi to me and every one of my friends. He is exciting to watch and be around because of his energy and the hype he creates within the team. I like to see how his teammates rely on and trust him and that’s how I want people to think of me. Most importantly, he introduced me to cinnamon pop tarts, and it has been life changing!
-Andrew Upp
Ellis inspires me the most because of the way he carries himself on and off the field and his effort on the field
-Bryce Birdsong
Justin Zegarowski! He plays defensive end and he sacks the quarter back. I respect that.
-Christian Smario
Lucas Rocha he’s a beast on the field and off the field he is also a super nice guy willing to help you learn.
– Joey Martin
I like Murph’s leadership and how he can round up the team and rally them.
-Ryder Reinhart
Trevor Rogers because he is good.
– River Lockwood
The person that inspires me the most to play varsity football is Aiden Yates. He inspires me the most because I’ve known him since I was a little kid and seeing him play now is really cool and makes me want to be where he is at varsity level.
-Shep Bellias
I am inspired with how fluidly the varsity team can play.
– Isaac Copen
Andrew Habas because he is not the tallest but he is still really good.
-Corbin Gallegos
I would choose Ellis because he plays the same position I want to play. Not only that but he is extremely hard working. When he started playing football, he wasn’t biggest or fasted kid on the team, but he worked hard and slowly caught up with the rest of the team until he was on varsity and was the starting running back. Ellis inspires me to work harder and know that if you stand around and don’t do anything you won’t get very far in sports and in life.
– Leo Deignan
The varsity players that inspire me would be Murph and Tyler Worthington, they are both super good and kind as well as welcoming to all the freshmen.
– Ben Pass
Max Thomas. I feel he has the willingness to get better & better. He keeps moving forward with his skills. Work hard to play hard. This makes him the most inspiring on the varsity team.
– Branson Smith
Ellis Burger inspires me because he is nice on and off the field. Works hard!
-Riley Gates
Jack Giorgianni because he is my brother.
– Marco Giorgianni
Tyler, Andrew and Mason inspire me the most because they are so good at what they do. They are unstoppable.
-Grant Ricker
I inspire to be like Ellis, varsity running back. He seems like a leader on & off the field. He said something after practice one day in Tahoe like ‘at the end of the day – we are all on the same team’. He’s a great athlete.
-Illias Kaplanes-Jones
The Varsity team inspires me because they set the “Dons” Standard. What does practice look like, what games look like, and what’s your attitude looks like. Also, it gives our freshman class a measuring stick to when we get to that level what it looks like and what it looks like to win at that level.
– Wyatt Zadawski