Acalanes Boosters Club Provides Masks for All Athletes

When it comes to safety, everyone plays!

As the high school sports seasons finally commence, the Acalanes Boosters Club is once again stepping up to support the safe enjoyment of ALL athletics at Acalanes. So far, Boosters has distributed over 700 performance-ready facemasks, adorned with our distinguishable ‘block A’ logo, to all sports that are currently in-season. As the rest of the programs begin their seasons, the Boosters will distribute another 450 masks to those athletes. The masks are meant to not only provide safety from airborne infection, but also become ‘part of the uniform’ for all sports. Look great, play great! Check out some of our incredible athletes ‘sporting’ their masks!

Do you love our Dons? Are you a Acalanes Boosters Club member? Would you like to add someone to our email/twitter distribution? go to . GO DONS!

Yes, I’m smiling
A is for Acalanes…All dAy long.
Hey Campo, got masks?
We got these!