Question: Do you know what the worst part of football is? Answer: When the season ends!

Welcome to Acalanes Football! I am Jane, your Football Booster Rep for Acalanes Sports Boosters and a proud Football parent! And if your son is kicking off with Acalanes Football as a freshman…HE IS GOING TO LOVE IT !

Freshman football and high school athletics, in general, are a huge benefit to anyone willing to give them a try. Football creates a special bond. This is because it’s a sport where you cannot hide. You might be doing great until a play knocks you down. As a football player, you don’t get up alone you have your team with you. They know what it feels like to get knocked down, because it has happened to them. This mutual understanding builds a bond like no other. This bond leads to accountability to each other as a team.
Football is the ultimate team sport. To win, you need all the parts and pieces to work together. There is definitely no I in team. Every single position in football is important. Every single one, from the center, to the kicker, to the offensive line. If the ball is not snapped correctly, the quarterback will not get it. If the offensive line doesn’t hold its blocks, our quarterback will be sacked, which means he can’t hand the ball to the running back or pass it to the wide receiver for the touchdown. Eleven different people must be working toward a common goal, each doing their part to the best of their ability.

The one big benefit of playing freshman football is the friendships made in the summer before school even starts. Just a few weeks with your new teammates will cement friendships that will make that first day of walking on campus even better than it would be otherwise. All incoming freshmen are nervous and unsure of themselves, but football kids have an extra 40+ friends from the team walking onto the AHS campus with them.

The 2019 Diablo Athletic League Co-Champions
Question: Are You a Mom That is Worried About Your Son Playing Frosh Football? Answer: No need for that! You are in great hands with a stellar coaching staff!

My oldest son was a freshman last year. When he expressed a desire to play football, absolutely I was a tad freaked out. But that did not last long. As a tackle football mom virgin, there was a great deal I didn’t know about the religion that is high school football. Floyd Burnsed is amazing football leader along with JV Coach Greg Young and Frosh Coach Bill Hansen. Safety and the well being of each player is the #1 concern for all the coaching staff at Acalanes. They spend countless months, days, and hours on the field and off, helping our children to become the best they can be. The coaching staff gives the teams direction and motivation to help them reach their goals. They have a plan, they are organized and they find a way to encourage the team to believe and work together. Fact: AHS Sport with my most concussions last year was NOT football. The bottom line is the benefits far outweigh the risks in football. Safety #1!
With Frosh Coach Bill Hansen and the coaching staff, your freshman son is in good hands! The boys on the Frosh team will be more than teammates. They will be brothers! Games are exciting and the boys will grow right in front of their proud parents cheering them on in the stands. I have so many GREAT freshman football memories that still bring tears to my eyes. Here are my top 5:
1.The First Touchdown of the season! Boy! This is exhilarating for the players and the parents! Actually, I have two #1 favorites. Toby’s first touchdown too. Toby came to play in Game 4 of the season for his first game as a Don… First kick of the game is kicked directly to Toby and he scored a touchdown on the kick return within 5 seconds. Spectacular!
2. When the Frosh team wears their pads for the first time. It’s a big! It’s cool! They are so proud to be a Don and wear that uniform with the pads! Every Dons football player is proud to wear blue!
3. That single moment you watch your son make his first tackle or sack the QB or an interception or score a DONS TD . The announcer says your kid’s name on the sound system for all to hear…then your son turns to the stands with his smiling eyes, they meet your eyes from up in the stands. Chills! Every Dons football parent is proud to wear blue!
4. Hard-working boys. Come August…they have learned that if you want something in life, you have to work hard to get it. Wins don’t come easy. You have to shed sweat and tears. (Oh yeah moms- get ready because hard work smells, your son and his uniform!)
5. The parents. Cheering and screaming for every Don the field! It is a special group and a great way to start the school year. When the season is over, it is seriously a downer to not be with your football family.
We always bring our ‘A’ Game!
Any questions about Sports Boosters, please give me a call 760 777-3430 or email me, GO DONS!
Jane E. Smith – PROUD DON MOM & Parent Football Rep 2020-21
Learn more about Acalanes Football and the Touchdown Club on the link below…